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Victoria Ellen Williams Award for Outstanding Contribution

The Victoria Ellen Williams Award for Outstanding Contribution, named after one of our valued volunteers, the late Victoria Ellen Williams - or Vicky as she was lovingly known as by family and friends - is an opportunity for YOU, our valued volunteers, to let your voices be heard!

We want you to know that we see you and your commitment and dedication to the charity. So if you have a Burning Nights CRPS Support volunteer in mind who deserves recognition for their valuable contribution to the charity, let us know via the nomination form here and we will announce the winner at our annual CRPS Patient & Carer Information Day. More details about the nomination process, including previous winners can be found below. Good luck and happy nominating!

Grey background with image of a white woman with brown hair on the left

How to nominate a volunteer?

To nominate a volunteer for the award, please complete the short nomination form below. Volunteers themselves are unable to nomiate themselves but please encourage family, friends or clients to vote for you. 

For the 2024 Award, nominations will remain open until 12 noon U.K. time on Monday, October 14th 2024.

The Nomination Process

To nominate a volunteer for the Award:

  • Complete the nomination form below by clicking on the button
  • You can nominate any volunteer who is active at the time of closing the nominations
  • Volunteers cannot nominate themselves but can ask other volunteers, friends, family or clients to make the nomination
  • There must be an active email address included for the person who made the nominations
  • For 2024, nominations will close at 12 noon U.K. time on Monday 16th October
  • The volunteer with the most nominations will be awarded the Victoria Ellen Williams Award
  • The award will be announced at the Patient and Carer Information Day

Nomination Form

Registered in England & Wales.
Registered Address: 1 Alder Brook, Chinley, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 6DN.
Registered Charity No. 1166522
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