Wheel Chair
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Go Skydive

Salisbury, Wiltshire

The fundraising target is whatever you can raise!

Salisbury, Wiltshire

Event Address

Go Skydive
Old Sarum Airfield Ltd, Old Sarum
Salisbury SP4 6DZ

Get Involved!

Over 2000 people a year choose to tandem skydive in aid of charity with Go Skydive and they work with hundreds of charities across the UK. Go Skydive are the only specialist first-time tandem skydiving centre in the country so are the ideal partner for fundraisers who have never jumped before.

'Jump for Free' (Sponsorship)

If you reach the fundraising target set by your chosen charity, the charity will cover the cost of the skydive (minus the £50 deposit). The charity would be invoiced for the cost of the skydive (£184 for 10,000ft or £253 for 15,000ft).

Skydive pricing:

  • £50 deposit, remaining balance paid at least a week before the jump
  • £234 (inc. deposit) – 10,000ft
  • £303 (inc. deposit) – 15,000ft


Ready for the challenge?

If you would like to take on your own charity skydive and fundraise for Burning Nights CRPS Support - get in touch!

E: fundraise@burningnightscrps.org
T: 01663 795 055

We'd love to hear from you!

Registered in England & Wales.
Registered Address: 1 Alder Brook, Chinley, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 6DN.
Registered Charity No. 1166522
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