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This page contains information about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as a disability, the help that can be accessed, and the benefits that could be available for someone living with CRPS. For many, CRPS is an invisible disability or invisible illness because the cannot be seen. Living with CRPS can often present a number of different practical issues and problems, from clothing to mobility aids.
Here we will cover:
Many people who live with chronic conditions such as CRPS, CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia or chronic pain can struggles with mobility and so might use mobility aids, such as walking sticks, crutches, canes, wheelchairs, braces. There are also accessibility aids that can be used around the home to assist with daily living.
Find out more about Mobility & Accessibility Equipment
If you live with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or another chronic pain condition, you may struggle with your mobility. Having a Blue Badge for your CRPS can help with parking in wider spaces and closer to your destination.
There are various schemes available to those with a disability, for example the disabled person's railcard and the National Express Disables Coachcard. There are also concession schemes for venues like cinemas, and more.
There is guidance available to assist those who are applying for and obtaining benefits. The guides are only available to those who are UK Members of Burning Nights CRPS Support.
Find out more about benefits and how to access the guides
If you're interested in becoming a Member of Burning Nights CRPS Support, visit our Membership pages.
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