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Barriers and Facilitators to Taking Part in Chronic Pain Research

Trial Reference Number
Trial Status
Closed to Recruitment
Accessibility, Adult Participants, Chronic Pain, CRPS, Lower Limb CRPS, Online, Psychology, Social Media, Technology, Upper Limb CRPS

Researchers from the University of York are looking for people with any chronic pain conditions to help make research into chronic pain more accessible. In particular, the study will be looking into the barriers and facilitators to taking part in non-pharmaceutical based (drug-free) research on chronic pain.

This is the second phase to a project designed to assess what makes it difficult (barriers) and what could make it easier (facilitators) for people with chronic pain to take part in research studies.

Participation involves a short 5-minute survey. To find out more and complete the survey, please follow this link: bit.ly/Chronic_Pain_Survey_Phase2

If you have any questions please contact principle investigator Dr Catherine Preston (catherine.preston@york.ac.uk) or PhD researcher Kirralise Hansford (kirralise.hansford@york.ac.uk).

You are welcome to share details of this study with anyone who has a chronic pain condition, so that the outcomes of this project can be as representative of the chronic pain population as possible.

Closing date: 31st October 2023

Centers Running This Trial

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Registered Address: 1 Alder Brook, Chinley, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 6DN.
Registered Charity No. 1166522
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