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A survey of patient/therapist preferences and priorities for conservative treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

Trial Reference Number
Trial Status
Adult Participants, CRPS, Lower Limb CRPS, Online, Psychology, Treatments, Upper Limb CRPS

The aim of the survey study is to find the gaps between patients' and therapists' priorities and preferences regarding decision making for CRPS conservative treatments. The results of the study will help to develop a decision tool for people to choose what treatments might be best for them.

Two groups of participants are required:

  • Patients with CRPS; and,
  • Occupational, physical, and hand therapists treating clients with CRPS in their practice.


Who are we looking for?

You are eligible to participate in this survey study if you meet the following criteria:

  • 18-years-old or older
  • Diagnosed with CRPS in lower limb, upper limb, or both
  • Experiencing CRPS signs and symptoms for at least three months
  • Able to speak and write in English


What does it involve?

For patients: You are being invited to participate in this survey because you have been diagnosed with Complex ‎‎‎Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).‎ If you agree to participate, you will be completing a survey either online (using Qualtrics)‎ or in ‎paper format (‎if you are at the ‎SJHC Hand and Upper Limb Clinic‎). The survey includes four different types of question ‎including, demographic information, patient’s awareness, treatment options, and decision making ‎and support regarding your chronic pain condition (CRPS). The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.

For therapists: You are being invited to participate in this survey because you are a therapist who treats patients ‎with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). If you agree to participate, you will be completing ‎a survey online (using Qualtrics), ‎which will ‎take around 15-30 minutes. The survey includes four ‎different types of question including, demographic information, treatment options and outcomes, ‎and final decision-making and support regarding your preferences in treating patients with CRPS.

Both surveys are completely anonymous and no personal or professional data will be collected. Please do not write any personal information on the comments or ask questions on the post.


Who is conducting the study?

Researchers: Erfan Shafiee, PhD Candidate of Physical Therapy

Study supervised by: Dr. Joy C. MacDermid, Co-director of the Clinical Research Lab within the Roth | McFarlane Hand & Upper Limb Centre (HULC)

Research centre: University of Western Ontario


If you would like to take part, please click on the relevant link below to go to the study survey:

If you have any questions about the study, please contact Erfan Shafiee on eshafiee@uwo.ca

Closing date

This study closes on 1st August 2023.

Centers Running This Trial

Registered in England & Wales.
Registered Address: 1 Alder Brook, Chinley, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 6DN.
Registered Charity No. 1166522
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